101 Ways to Teach Children Social Skills
101 Ways to Teach Children Social Skills
A Ready-to-Use, Reproducible Activity Book
by Lawrence E. Shapiro, PhD
This book is the perfect foundation on which teachers, counselors, and other professionals can base their social skills curriculum. Authored by an internationally recognized expert in child psychology, 101 Ways to Teach Children Socials Skills is divided into nine sections that offer reproducible activities to help kids learn the importance of:
- Nonverbal communication
- Problem solving
- Expressing their feelings
- Caring about themselves and others
- And more!
Crafted for use with groups in classroom or therapeutic settings, this book helps children improve relationships with peers, parents, and teachers. With well-developed social skills, children can perform better in school, bounce back from life’s everyday challenges, and increase self-esteem. Reproducible materials. Spiral-bound, 176 pages, 9" × 11"